

Welcome to TwoFleurs portfolio site.

Below is a brief showcase of some the projects I have worked on and built over the years as both a Fullstack engineer and as a senior Frontend web developer.

My Projects

Core skills and technology set

My preferred tech stack is the NextJS ecosystem; The NextJS framework written in typecript, styled with Tailwind, connected to a Postgress Database, hosted on Vercel.

html, CSS, SASS, bootstrap, tailwind, ReactStrap, javascript, typescript, invision, figma, storybook, reactJS, gatsbyJS, nextJS, firebase, NodesJS, mySQL, postgreSQL, netlify, vercel

During my career, I have worked with a wide range of languages, frameworks, databases, dev ops systems, stylings systems and technologies. However I do not consider these core skills of mine.

Create React App, AngularJS, PHP, Kohana, Drupal, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Apache, Custom CMS systems, Visual basic, Wordpress.

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